Monday 30 March 2020


It's been over a week again! I wanted to write several posts with crafting ideas and I was flooded in various groups with free things to do, to download, to watch, etc. that I haven't been able to go through, yet, and update my list in one of my previous posts. We also had some isolation drama. Not being able to see his friends, nor be able to do all the fun outdoor activities we're usually doing, is starting to take a toll on my 4yo. He had quite some down days this week that we've been working through. And on top of that, my phone dropped one time too many and the screen fell of. The case is the only thing that keeps it attached to the rest of the phone so that I was able to keep using it for a few more days, save all the pictures I had not yet transferred to my computer, and, after almost five years, order a new phone. It's supposed to get here in a day or two, so yay!

Anyway, since my 4yo wasn't really in the mood for lots of crafting, I brought out the slime kit I had bought a few weeks ago and which we had tested with one of his playmates. (I still have painting posts to write from when he was in a better mood, so I'll try to get those uploaded soon.)
Slime always makes him happy, even though I'm not that happy when he sticks his Hot Wheels cars into it to play mud or car wash and I have to get the slime out from inside the tires afterwards.

What I like about this kit, though, is that it's not as messy as other slimes we've had before, it comes with a HUGE selection of differently coloured slime, and it has lots of beads and pearls and glitter and even glow in the dark powder to add into your slime.


I was sent a recipe today to make slime at home. I'll post the ingredient in German for now (trying to get the kids into bed early today after daylight savings time) and will add the translation later.

* 200-300ml warmes Wasser
* 1 TL Guarkernmehl
* Lebensmittelfarbe
* 5gr Natron
* Kontaktlinsenlösung

You'll find instructions on www. and there is also a youtube video ( minute 18:50). That video has 12 different recipes for slime. I was intriqued by the nutella-marshmellow one!

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